Saturday, June 6, 2009

why I got hermies

I got hermit crabs because I saw a video of a 10 year old boy that had 5 crabs, he only brought 1. he had trained it to tight rope. and that was my insparation to get crabs. before I could get crabs my dad told me I had to do a report about them.I sucseeded on the report so I got crabs.

And let the games begin!

hemit crabs also like to play games, like climbing, running, ect. stay tuned for some cool sports videos!


Welcome to my Hermie-Taj, or the Taj Mahal for hermit crabs and hermit crab information.

Check back for pictures of MY hermies and hermie-racing videos!

But first, I want to see YOUR hermit crabs! Feel free to post your hermie's pic and name in the comments!